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To whom it may concern
isolated student schrieb am 11. Juli 2003 um 15:28 Uhr (555x gelesen):

Nachtrag zu Gut und Böse

Be careful what you wish for
you may get it
(Anne Rice: Interview Riley)
[or you get NOT]

Car le mal existe
le bien consite à affaiblir
le mal,
tant que le mal existe
le bien n'est pas parfait
(raising the demons)

Ezra Pound:
le mot juste
Theory of the right word
"I must lay down where all the ladders start:
In the foul rag-and-bone-shop of my heart"
Some lamb (Poem S. Rice)
"Oh, it is later forever."
Maharet says that in the flesh all wisdom begins,
beware the thing that has no flesh,
beware the gods,
beware the idea, beware the devils.
(Queen Of The Damned)

P.S. cola to 7 :)
little frog sings a lullaby softly
I can hear little frog all Knight long

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