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Fürs LEXLE (das Böse) schrieb am 2. Juli 2002 um 22:43 Uhr (509x gelesen):

teachers teach
and preachers preach
of spiritual evolution
but this big I am
...just adds to my confusion

you´re no longer a child
that part was buried yesterday...who knows

why they come and where they go in this world machine?

I don`t know why my friends have gone-away

caught in a dream....

inside this world machine

don`t knock the system-we`ll knock some sense in you

c a n `t beat the system- there`s nothing YOU can do!!!

Leider nicht von mir.........

LEXLE, Du weißt doch nix nix nix, LASS DICH ÜBERR-ASCHEN...

It`s a criminal world (machine)

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