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Re: please Help
John Olford schrieb am 3. September 2002 um 16:35 Uhr (458x gelesen):

Hi Scott,

sorry to hear you are being bothered by a ghost (also called an "earthbound spirit"). The best thing you can do is to make contact with a professional medium in you area. If you send me an Email, I can put you in touch with suitable contacts in the USA who should be able to help out. I will send you several so that you can decide for yourself with which you feel most comfortable. I would give you the Websites here in the Forum, but I understand that am not allowed to do so.

Best regards, John :)
> Hello Guys,
> I want to have a reponse of my question. I think we have a ghost in our house in California. I was by a special woman but she said she cant gave me a information. i asked her why, but at that moment she dont speak with me and i think that woman are silly and crazy. But after 10 or 15 minutes she said its a very old ghost and he want that i am helping him but she dont say how! So i hope some of you can help me because i want get the ghost away. i hope somebody understand me. Thank you very much,
> Yours scott Williams

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