Index Meditations

Column of Light

Like all other meditations this meditation as well should be started with prayer and the feeling of unification with all beings. A ritual may intensify your prayer and your inner state of peace and love.

As soon as haste and problems of life have vanished, start your meditation on light:
Imagine above you the spiritual world, in the same way as heaven is thought to be above our heads (this is a psychic, archetypic inner orientation). From this spiritual world a stream of light flows through the top of your head and flows down the spine.

You may do this in the rhythm of breath:

Breathing in feel the light stream down on your head, passing the fontanella and streaming downwards.

Breathing out stay with your attention at the light which fills your body and feel how light becomes brighter and how it gives you health and strength.

A part of a letter relating to the meditation:

"I have been participating in a meditation group for over 4 years. One of the first exercises we use is the column of light. The group seems to be working its way up a hierarchy on the other side. As our spirituality develops the more contacts from the other side. We have plenty of contact with those who have died or angelic spirits. The contacts I am referring to have never been in bodies. They are very wise and share their knowledge with us. I feel very privileged but feel I am in an unknown territory. Of course the other side guides us....."

The same meditation from an other point of view:

Imagine the heaven as an infinite pool of energy - "heavenly light energy"
Imagine the earth as an infinite pool of energy - "vital earth energy"

Now imagine a kind of electric and light connection between heaven and earth in form of a mighty vibrating column of energy, exchanging energies from both poles, upwards and downwards.

And now feel yourself sitting (or standing) in the midst of this column of vibrating, humming light energy and feel how the energy flows through your spine.
Feel your spine vibrating and humming, feel the warmth and vitalization.

© Alfred Ballabene