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Re: please Help
John Olford schrieb am 3. September 2002 um 17:12 Uhr (590x gelesen):

Hi Scott,

although my work as medium sometines takes me to the USA and Canada, I am British and live in Bavaria, southern Germany. However, I know many world class mediums who are based in the USA and I would be pleased to help you to make contact. Alternatively you could go through one of the reputable Spirituaist Churches in the USA (eg. the NSAC). That might be easier for you. As I previously stated, I am unable to provide these Websites in this Forum, so please Email me if you are interested by clicking on my name at the top of this message.

Oh and, in the meantime, don't be frightened by the Ghost. It is probably just lonely and trying to get your attention so it can talk with somebody.

Best regards, John Olford :)

> > Hi John,

> Where are you from? Do you come from America? Yes, which state? I think we can meet us, or not?Because than we can talk about your and about my proplems! So we can help each other i mean we can search Mediums or other specialists!
> Your Scott Williams

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