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Re: please Help
Holly schrieb am 4. September 2002 um 13:26 Uhr (475x gelesen):

...ist schon interessant zu sehen, dass ein vermeintlicher Amerikaner schlechter englisch spricht, als wir alle hier...!?

Mr. Scott William.... are you really from America or are you just trying to test the abilities of the members in here??

> Hi Scott,

> sorry to hear you are being bothered by a ghost (also called an "earthbound spirit"). The best thing you can do is to make contact with a professional medium in you area. If you send me an Email, I can put you in touch with suitable contacts in the USA who should be able to help out. I will send you several so that you can decide for yourself with which you feel most comfortable. I would give you the Websites here in the Forum, but I understand that am not allowed to do so.

> Best regards, John :)
> --------------------------
> > Hello Guys,
> > I want to have a reponse of my question. I think we have a ghost in our house in California. I was by a special woman but she said she cant gave me a information. i asked her why, but at that moment she dont speak with me and i think that woman are silly and crazy. But after 10 or 15 minutes she said its a very old ghost and he want that i am helping him but she dont say how! So i hope some of you can help me because i want get the ghost away. i hope somebody understand me. Thank you very much,
> > Yours scott Williams

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