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re: Goblin

Jokke * schrieb am 17. August 2013 um 18:12 Uhr (1812x gelesen):

In "spirits, fairies, leprechauns and goblins", eine Enzyklopädie von Carol Rose,heisst es:
[W.W.Norton & Company, 1998]

In european folklore this is a grotesque, diminutive and generally malicious earth spirit pr sprite. Goblins may be known by alternative spellings of the name: Goblin, Gobblin, Gobeline, Gobling, and Goblyn. Gpblins are said to be about the height if a man's knee and have gray hair and beards. Like the more friendlx brownie, Goblins inhabit the homes of humans, where they indulge in tricks and make noises much as the poltergeist does. The Goblin does have the endearing trait of liking children and bringing them little gifts, when they are well behaved. For the adults, howevr, a resident Goblin can become a nuisance with upset kitchens and furniture and horse ridden to a lather in the stables at the night. There is only one recommended method of getting rid of a household goblin: and that is to cast flax seed all over the floors, when the spirit comes to do mischief at night he will be obliged to pick up all the seed, but there will be so much that he cannot finish before dawn. After a few repeats of this tedium, h will give it up and leave.



Beitrag zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.8.2013 20:31

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