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re[3]: Rat und Hilfe wegen Negativem Wesen?
Jokke * schrieb am 6. Mai 2017 um 20:07 Uhr (3151x gelesen):

Geister haben Angst vor den Licht, Dämonen wohl weniger das zu der ersten Frage.

Dämonen wollen in Menschen einfahren und arbeiten immer in drei Phasen "Infestation" sich bemerkbar machen und Spuk auslösen die nächste Phase ist "Oppression" durch geistige Aspekte Unterdrückung ausüben um eine Seele so zu unterdrücken das sie ihm Einlass gewährt dann kommt es zu Besessenheit. Dämonen können aber auch Platz gebunden sein dann sollte man den Platz verlassen!



Ich zitiere auch mal Augustinus von Hippo...

Beings who have never walked on earth.
Fallen angels ...
One could say that demons are fallen angels who were sent by Satan to destroy those who will inherit salvation. Based on the gifts and abilities the demons have receive from God, they now try the counteract the will of God on earth.

"The classical story of the Fall of the Angels can be summarized as follows:
The first beings God created were angels. Of all the angels created, none was higher than
Lucifer. God created Lucifer in such perfection that he was all but God. Not content with his own being, however, Lucifer sought through envy what was not his. Indeed, Lucifer sought to be God, to negate the existence of God and rule the heaven himself. Thus, the demonic spirit proves to be a negative spirit of possession. Other angels in league with Lucifer participated in the same ruinous desire, “covetousness”: that is, they were willing to forsake the gifts of their being in order to take what was not their own. God’s
supposed response to this cosmic treachery was to banish Lucifer and his legion from Heaven,whereupon these fallen angels swore perpetual disobedience to God. Lucifer was renamed Satan—the slanderer, the accuser, the Father of Lies. Though fallen from grace, these angels were not depotentiated, but retained all the preternatural—beyond earth—powers given them at creation. These powers essentially consist of immortal existence; mystical knowledge of the universe; and the power to bypass the physical laws of nature, giving them the ability to bring about psychic phenomena and produce synthetic creations. Yet despite their awesome powers, the demonic was restricted from overwhelming man. Instead, the covenant was that God would protect man, if man in turn respected the powers of God."

