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Jokke * schrieb am 7. Dezember 2012 um 15:55 Uhr (2191x gelesen):

Ich wollte es euch nicht vorenthalten!
Jeder kann sich seine eigene Meinung dazu bilden!

The Oracle of Shambhala

“Fall and winter will be warm, and from 12/21/2012 Earth will begin to pass through the galactic” zero band. “This is a special state space where the blanked and not be subject to any energy. Was complete darkness and silence. The electricity and communications. Darkness will be accompanied by flashes of light, as well as the play of light and shadow. Sometimes it may seem that roam figures – as if the dead rose from their graves. earth will shake slightly – like a small earthquake. Some buildings can be destroyed “- warned Lama.
“Animals feel the earth before the coming of the” cosmic dark “and go to ground – said the monk. – People in cities do not feel so are the victims of insanity. Can be lost 10% of the population. “





Apocalypse Equation – Aliens On Their Way


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