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Jokke * schrieb am 31. Januar 2012 um 14:49 Uhr (2438x gelesen):

Hej naurmel
Burkhard Heim war für Pucci gedacht.

Ja vielleicht hast du Recht.
Mir geht es nur um einen Informationsaustausch,
stimmt es überhaupt mit dem Phänomen usw,
was mich aufhorchen lässt ist die Anzahl der Meldungen!



Strange noises heard around the world the last few weeks has YouTube buzzing. Clips posted from Arizona to England. And right next door in Manitoba, all showing folks alarmed by what sounds like a noise straight out of a science fiction flick. There's only theories at this point as to any explanation for the strange sound.Â@

It's kind of like watching a scary movie, the background noise gives the viewer that same vibe as when something terrible is about to happen. Some students at NDSU can only speculate as to what it is.

Blake Segerholm says it's possible the noise is in fact coming from above, "I guess I'm not there but, they must be hearing something." While others are more skeptical like Burton Fischer, "it's too outrageous to actually believe, it really is."

Videos started showing up on YouTube months ago all with that same moaning, groaning, metal on metal sound. Some are calling it a harp like noise. It's especially eerie because even with the millions of views on YouTube and the thousands that ultimately heard the noise first hand, even experts can't explain what the noises are. A Physicist at NDSU says to pinpoint where the noise is coming from at this point would be speculation, "no, I wouldn't be able to tell certainly not from the videos there are."


Mystery sonic booms

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