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Nachtrag LD
tom schrieb am 8. März 2007 um 9:32 Uhr (816x gelesen):

Allgemeiner Tipp: es ist sehr hilfreich ein Traumtagebuch zu führen und jeden Morgen die Träume kurz zu notieren.

Hier noch eine kurz Beschreibung einer sehr verbreiteten LD-Technik genannt MILD: kannst ja fragen wenn du was nicht verstehst.

MILD in 3 easy steps:

1 - Remember
Tell yourself that you will awake from a dream and you will recall that dream upon awakening. When awakening from a dream, try and remember as much as you can.

2 - Set your intent
While drifting back to sleep, concentrate on your intent to be aware that you are dreaming. Repeat the following text, or one you write yourself:

I'm going to dream now. I'm in a dream. I'm aware of my dream.

If you find your thoughts wandering, bring them back softly, and keep repeating the words.

3 - Visualise
Now imagine yourself becoming lucid in your dream. Go back to the dream you had before you woke up and imagine you realize it is a dream. (If you couldn't remember any dreams when waking up, use another dream you previously recalled). See yourself realising you are dreaming. Visualise what you are going to do once you are lucid. (for example flying)

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you fall asleep.
The dream
If you are successful you will be inside a dream and you will suddenly realize that you are dreaming.

Gruss Tom

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